The end of the year is fast approaching, and if you have a health savings account (HSA) or flexible spending account (FSA), now is the perfect time to start thinking about how to use that money. Don’t let that HSA/FSA money go to waste! At the very least, use it to stock up on essentials like bandages or cold medicine. And, if you’re not sure what’s eligible for HSA reimbursement, don’t worry – Walmart has an entire section on their website that can be found HERE. Make sure you take advantage before the year ends. I’ve categorized some of my picks that are stock-up worthy to take full advantage of your benefit.

Finding eligible items on Walmart is so easy. Click HERE for an assortment of FSA/HSA eligible products. You can browse by category to see exactly what qualifies. We often think of doctor visits and larger expenses for health savings plans, but there are so many everyday items that are available on Walmart to purchase with those benefit dollars!
For the medicine cabinet
Allergy season

For your skin
Child essentials
Make sure to check with your individual plan for benefits and use medication as directed.
Thanks to Walmart for sponsoring this post.